20 Steps to Grow Your Online Business From Now to Wow

20 Steps to Grow Your Online Business From Now to Wow
Many clients come to me with the same dilemma. Either they have started their own online business, or are interested in starting a business and do not how to take it from a good idea to it’s highest potential. So, I have compiled a list complete with links to other posts I have written that go into more detail on specific topics.

20 Steps to Grow Your Online Business From Now to Wow

  1. Set up a website on your own domain.
  2. Set up a Google Analytics account linked to your website.
  3. Make sure it has a very readable blog on www.blogger.com page.
  4. Sign up for most or all of the following accounts: Google+, Facebook Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
  5. Fill out these accounts completely and use your professional headshot and branded imagery where possible on the profile/cover pages.
  6. If you are a solopreneur use your own name and photo for your Twitter profile.
  7. Follow industry leaders and other people in your field on these accounts. A good number of them will follow you back. Use Tweepi or other services to find them. Keep doing this.
  8. Confirm you are a contributing author of your blog posts on your Google+ profile. Then go to your website and add a plugin to use to confirm your Google+ profile. This will give you Google authority.
  9. Create a MailChimp account list and embed a sign-up form to this list onto your website.
  10. Create 5-10 categories on your WordPress site that you assign your blog posts to. Don’t assign a post to more than one category.
  11. Decide on a publishing schedule for your blog posts and keep to it.
  12. Research and develop a list of keyword phrases you would like to come up for in a search.
  13. Develop a content map and an editorial calendar with a schedule of blog post titles that include these keywords. Make sure these posts are things that are of interest to your ideal clients/readers.
  14. Write your blog posts, schedule them to go out according to your editorial calendar.
  15. After you write a specific blog post, make it into a newsletter and send it out to your list. Post it to Google +, Twitter, LinkedIn and your Facebook Page. Ask a few friends to share it with their friends.
  16. Interact with others on your social media sites and share their posts.
  17. Comment on people’s posts and respond to comments by others on your blog posts.
  18. Make a schedule and stick to it.
  19. Speak, Organize, Join, and refer people back to your website to sign up for your mailing list.
  20. Keep at it. You will improve every aspect of this process over time. Check your Google Analytics for what is working

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